Pain Today. Joy Tomorrow.
You’re in pain today. I don’t know exactly where it is coming
from, but pain is evident in your eyes, in your body movement, and your waywardness. Pain plagues the human spirit from such an early age, and I’m watching it break out in you today. Hunger is magnified when you are in pain,
pleasure doesn’t have its same enjoyment, doing what is right seems hopeless.
only moments of relief come when I run clean water on your back in the tub or when
I massage your muscles and cuddle your skin as to say, “I know you’re hurting.
I’m here to help.”
Its nap time. And I dressed you in the coziest pants you own
and a shirt that says, “I love my daddy.” I convinced that just the thought of "daddy" might alleviate your aching.
In the stillness of your dim room with the
sound of white noise in the background, you rest your head in my lap and suck
your thumb. The rhythm of your soothing thumb, the cool of the fan on your
flushed skin, the touch of my hand rubbing your belly, the twist of your
fingers through your hair.
Amid your pain, you are finding your peace.
drift to sleep underneath me, and I’m reminded of the honor I have to be your
Until you come to know the Great Comforter as your own:
May I be your hands
of help and healing. May I be your place of safety and security.
May I be the
eyes that see you in middle of your mess.
You will hurt your whole life; this is the only thing on this earth you can count on.
But in Jesus Christ, we
have a hope of something greater after our hurt.
We have the hope of glory!
all of our suffering can be counted now, and will be counted joy in the eternal
glory of our great king.
In Jesus, our life doesn’t end here in this hurt.
will labor of you, my little plot of land, and sow these truths deep within you.
Until they take root in you and mature in your spirit, may I be a place of rest
for your weariness, a place of relief from your pain.
By the power of the
Healer in me,
your mama forever
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