‘February 6, 2017’
This season of loneliness.
This season of fear, doubt and unknown.
This season where my thoughts are chaos, and my circumstances are out my control.
Were they ever in my control?
This season of unseen expansion;
where the roots dig deep in the earth, seeking the living stream;
where the roots stretch their palms, grasping the richness of who you are.
The season where dead roots are plucked,
The season of finding, firmness and fixation.
The season of becoming starts in the roots.
When the limbs are bare, I will sink deeper into you.
When the limbs are bare, my roots sink deeper into truth,
so that in due season all that I am can sustain the yielded fruit.
This is the season of me becoming.
The woman I am created to be.
The woman I am created to be.
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