In Due Season

I am weak from the heat. My soul is faint from the labor. My heart desires to stop fighting the good fight, to surrender to the ease of complacency.

In my weakness, you call out, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." In my exhaustion, you encourage, "let us not grow weary of doing good."

When I lean on my own understanding, the shade seems far away. When I doubt your goodness, the sun beats on my back. When I trust in the strength of my own flesh, I am a shrub in the desert, dry and easily broken.

Father, my faith is little. My belief is small.
I say in my heart, "I don't want what you have given."
In the unwillingness of my ways, I have denied you.
Forgive me. Cover me. Wash me. Renew me.
In your mercy, set a guard over the fertile field of my family. Set a shield against the seeds of the flesh which I have labored over for days. The seeds of anger, jealousy, division and idolatry.
In the name of Jesus, uproot them if they have taken ground.
In your grace, give me the strength to sow love and peace and joy; the strength to sow in my daughter patience and kindness; the strength to sow in my husband goodness and faithfulness; the strength to bear burdens with a spirit of gentleness and self-control.
You alone are my shield; You are my strength. In You alone, may my heart trust, my eternal help.

inspired by Galatians 5:16-26; 6:1-10; Psalm 28: 7
