Psalm 16

When are sorrows multiplied? 
When I run after other gods.

What will make  my heart glad again and my whole being rejoice?  
The Blessed Council of the Lord.

 Where will my flesh dwell secure?  
Set before the Lord; I  shall not be shaken.

 Where is there fullness of joy? 
In  your presence. 

 Where are there pleasures forever?  
At your right hand. 

 You preserve me.
 You are my refuge.
 You are my good.

 You call me a saint, righteous in Christ.
 You call me excellent with all of your delight.

 You hold me in; you hold me together.
 You are my portion; my lot,
where the lines have fallen are pleasant; a beautiful inheritance I have in you!

 You will not abandon me.
 You will not let me see the pit.

 In you, the path of life is made known.
 In Christ Jesus,

